Michael Goodman Memorial Research Award


Michael Goodman was a CASP president who encouraged active research on the part of students, trainers, and practicing school psychologists. The CASP Board of Directors created this $500 cash award in memory of Michael Goodman upon his passing in the 1990s. Paper and Poster presentations may be eligible for this award.

Award Criteria

  • The study must be submitted for presentation at the CASP Convention.
  • The research paper must focus on a problem or question that clearly relates to the practice of school psychology.
  • The study must not have been published prior to the Convention.
  • The study must be original, not an analysis of another project. Secondary data analysis of a data set from a previously reported study is permitted only if it consists of re-analyzing the data.
  • The study must specifically answer research questions that are new, unique, and not examined previously.

The study may be conducted by more than one principal investigator provided all researchers have contributed to the project. The principal investigator must be a regular member, associate member, or student member of CASP at the time the research project is submitted for consideration.

To be considered for the Goodman award, you will need to also submit a three-page summary of your presentation, which includes:

  • Identification of the problem or issue
  • Clearly stated hypothesis, questions, or objectives
  • A preview of related literature
  • Demonstration of appropriate research design
  • Review of research procedures
  • Results of data analysis strategies
  • Conclusion and implications

Papers must follow APA standards. The applicant should include a separate cover letter with the title of the study, name(s) of the author(s), principal author’s address and home or cell phone number. Identifying information other than the running head should not be used anywhere in the paper. A running head should appear on each page in the upper right-hand corner above the page number.

The Goodman Award Committee will read each entry, rank them, and make the final determination of the recipient of the Michael Goodman Memorial Research Award. The winning entry receives the cash award at the Convention.

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