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Resources for School Psychologists / Position Papers / CASP Position Paper: Dyslexia and Assembly Bill 1369

CASP Position Paper: Dyslexia and Assembly Bill 1369

In October 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 1369. This bill requires “the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop… program guidelines for dyslexia to be used to assist regular education teachers, special education teachers and parents to identify and assess pupils with dyslexia and to plan, provide, evaluate and improve educational services… to pupils with dyslexia.” This issue has been addressed previously: AB 3040, which was signed into law in 1990, required the Superintendent to “develop program guidelines for use in providing educational services to pupils with dyslexia and related disorders” and to disseminate these guidelines and provide technical assistance.” Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI2) models, now incorporated into Multi-Tiered Systems of Support or MTSS, grew out of efforts to more adequately address early reading difficulties (California Department of Education Definition of MTSS (

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