This presentation provides an overview of how school psychologists are qualified mental health professionals whose scope of practice includes providing mental health services within all tiers of MTSS, but specifically focusing on DIS Counseling and ERMHS. This presentation will address several questions: 1) Historically, who has delivered counseling services to students eligible for special education? 2) What provider is best prepared to conduct ERMHS assessments and has that expertise been upheld in court? 3) Is providing DIS Counseling/ERMHS counseling within a school psychologist’s scope of practice? 4) What specific district ERMHS models, delivered by school psychologists, currently exist in California? What resources are available to increase a school psychologist’s counseling skills?
AB114: Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) Advocacy, Legal, & Practical Perspectives: How school psychologists may be best positioned to provide mental health services for students at all tiers
Nelarie Romo, Ed.S, M.A., NCSP, LEP, was a bilingual school psychologist for 8 years and is currently the Director of Student Services of a district within the central valley. She has taught courses at Brandman University and has served on the CASP board in multiple roles, including Affiliate Representative and Virtual Services Chair. She has created crisis and mental health protocols and procedures for districts, served as the re-founding affiliate president for her local affiliate, was awarded the Nadine Lambert “School Psychologist of the Year” award for her region, and is a trainer for PREPaRE.
Melissa Wood Currently, I am a SELPA Coordinator for the Kern County Consortium SELPA. I was previously a school psychologist and Director of special education for the Taft City School District. I am honored to be the CASP President-Elect and to support the vision and mission of this state association!
Carl Corbin of School and College Legal Services of California graduated from Gallaudet University with a Psy.S. in school psychology, worked over five years in public school districts as a school psychologist, is a LEP (inactive) and NCSP, and obtained his law degree at University of California, Boalt Hall.
LMFTs/LCSWs/LPCCs/LEPs: This course meets the qualifications for 1 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs/LCSWs/LPCCs/LEPs licensed by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. NCSPs: The course meets the qualifications for 1 hours of Continuing Professional Development for Nationally Certified School Psychologists, under Provider Number 1025, licensed by the National Association of School Psychologists. CASP is responsible for the content of this workshop.
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