Join students from our Youth Liberty Squad as they share their experiences and discuss school-based mental health as a civil rights issue. Over the past few years, students from the ACLU of SoCal’s Youth Liberty Squad have lead several impactful advocacy efforts related to mental health. The pandemic has created unprecedented challenges with learning and social-emotional wellbeing. Students have responded by demanding state officials take more meaningful action to support student wellness. In this session, high school students will share personal experiences as well as the findings from wellness completed by 1,200+ California students. Join us to learn about the stigma surrounding mental health that prevents students from seeking the mental health support they need.
Student Voices, Experiences, and Power with the Youth Liberty Squad
Category: Mental Health
Amir Whitaker is an attorney with the ACLU of SoCal. Prior to joining the ACLU, Amir represented students and incarcerated youth throughout Florida and Alabama. He has worked as a researcher with the UCLA Civil Rights Project, and has written for TIME Magazine, Washington Post and other publications. Amir has taught across multiple educational settings for more than a decade, and has held teaching credentials in Florida, California, and New Jersey. He received his doctorate in Educational Psychology from the University of Southern California, juris doctorate from the University of Miami, and his bachelors from Rutgers University.
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