
Using a Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses to Identify SLD  

$79 Members, $129 Nonmembers



The focus of this workshop is on appropriate use of PSW assessment procedures to identify specific learning disabilities in California, with an emphasis on Dehn’s PSW model. The webinar includes updated recommendations for conducting a multi-battery assessment of learning-related cognitive abilities followed by guidance on how to identify statistically significant strengths and weaknesses and how to determine when a PSW supports identification of a specific learning disability. A brief demonstration and recommendations for using Dehn’s PSW software are also included.


Milton J. Dehn, Ed.D., was a practicing school psychologist and an Associate Professor and School Psychology Program Director at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse until his retirement. Currently, he is the test development project director for Schoolhouse Educational Services. His interests include assessment of cognitive abilities, memory, dyslexia, and executive functions and using a pattern of strengths and weaknesses to identify specific learning disabilities.


LMFTs/LCSWs/LPCCs/LEPs: This course meets the qualifications for 3 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs/LCSWs/LPCCs/LEPs licensed by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. NCSPs: The course meets the qualifications for 3 hours of Continuing Professional Development for Nationally Certified School Psychologists, under Provider Number 1025, licensed by the National Association of School Psychologists. CASP is responsible for the content of this workshop.

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