School Psychologist assessment
Resources for School Psychologists / Position Papers / School Psychologists and Response to Intervention

School Psychologists and Response to Intervention

The California Association of School Psychologists Board of Directors supports the implementation of systems that provide students with multiple tiers of support to meet both academic, social-emotional and behavioral needs. The purpose of this paper is to outline the essential knowledge and skills that school psychologists need to actively participate in the academic supports that are part of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). In this paper we use the term Response to Intervention (RTI2) to refer to the academic supports that may or may not be part of an overarching MTSS. RTI2 is used instead of simply RTI to emphasize the importance of core instruction as well as interventions. The purpose of the paper is primarily to consider professional development needs for school psychologists, not to provide a thorough review of RTI models.

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